Who do you call?

The RWA office gets an amazing number of calls covering an incredible number of topics. We get calls from all over the world and all over the country on a daily basis because our property owners come from 33 countries and all 50 states. We get all types of questions from people asking for directions, restaurant recommendations, referrals for plumbers, electricians, lawn maintenance, irrigation repair, roofers, carpenters, doctors, lawyers, bankers, accountants, notary publics, and Realtors to name a few.

The Association office staff will gladly handle any and all calls regarding the operation of the Association including: annual dues, fees & fines, Deed Restriction questions, enforcement & violations, parking passes for boats, motor homes, trailers of any kind, yard sale requests, signage of any kind, Residential Modification applications for improvements to the exterior of any property, Residential Modification violations, canal maintenance, canal bank mowing, vacant lot mowing, greenbelt mowing, any mowing or common area maintenance issues within Rotonda West. If you need a few copies of a document or something notarized or faxed we are happy to provide these services free of charge.

On issues not related to the operations of Rotonda West Association, the office staff must call the organization responsible and then call you back with the appropriate answer. This process is very time consuming and somewhat inefficient.

We want to make sure you get all of your questions answered quickly and accurately. So we’ve put this directory together to help you direct your questions to the appropriate information sources.

Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office (Call 911 in an Emergency)

The Charlotte County, FL Government Portal has information about utilities, trash pick-up, alerts & notices, driver’s licenses and much more.

You can find information about local businesses, events, attractions etc online:

Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce
Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce
NextDoor.com (Account Required)

Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office (Call 911 in an Emergency)

The Charlotte County, FL Government Portal has information about utilities, trash pick-up, alerts & notices, driver’s licenses and much more.

You can find information about local businesses, events, attractions etc online:

Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce
Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce
NextDoor.com (Account Required)

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