Clubs & committees

Neighborhood Watch

Rotonda West Neighborhood Watch continues to get great reviews and support from the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office. Recently Sheriff Bill Prummell stated that the Watch “is doing a bang-up job as the extra eyes and ears of the Sheriff’s Office”. The Sheriff has stated in the past that our Watch is “absolutely the best in Charlotte County and a model of what a Watch should be.”

This year, the Watch will continue to provide a valuable community service to deter crime in all our neighborhoods. We owe this great accomplishment to our many dozens of faithful volunteers, many of whom have served for more than a decade.

A continuing goal is to expand our membership each year. All we ask is that our volunteers devote two hours each month to patrol our streets, or to serve as base station volunteers. If you are a part-time resident, we encourage your service while you are here, as well as full-time residents.

Every volunteer receives training, a copy of our monthly newsletter, and the satisfaction of knowing that you are giving back to your community. Another advantage is that you can become more connected with individuals that are active in the Rotonda West Association.

If you are interested in learning more, please call President Jack Horner at (941) 214-5358, or Ron Quinn, Vice President, at (941) 697-4426. You can also get up-to-date information at our web site:

Take a look at our monthly newsletter, The Watch Word, that is posted each month on our website. It has some great safety tips from the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office and our Rotonda West Neighborhood Watch.

Rotonda West Neighborhood Watch meets at 10 AM on the second Wednesday of each month at the Community Center, 646 Rotonda Circle. All are welcome. Until the Community Center is reopened after COVID 19 virus slows down, our meetings will be held on Zoom. Come join us.

On issues not related to the operations of Rotonda West Association, the office staff must call the organization responsible and then call you back with the appropriate answer. This process is very time consuming and somewhat inefficient.

We want to make sure you get all of your questions answered quickly and accurately. So we’ve put this directory together to help you direct your questions to the appropriate information sources.

Committees at Rotonda west

There are ten Committees that assist and advise the Board. The Committees are comprised of volunteers appointed by the Board. The Board has representatives on ten Committees including: Activities Committee, Administrative / Personnel, Aquatics Committee, Budget and Finance Committee, Buildings and Grounds Committee, Communications Committee, Compliance Committee, Deed Restrictions Committee, Election Committee, Residential Modification Committee and Wildlife Committee. The Election and Compliance Committees have no Board representation but they do report to the Board.

All Committee meetings are held at the community center and are open to the public. Clicking on the name of the chairperson will generate an e-mail form. Approved Committee meeting minutes are available for public viewing at the Community Center and can also be viewed here. Specific dates and times of Committee meetings can be confirmed on the Community Events Calendar.

Notice for every meeting must be posted a minimum of two days in advance. Notices are posted in the Community Center and, if requested, sent via e-mail. If you want to receive e-mail notification, submit a request by signing up with our newsletter on our page.


Administrative/Personnel Committee

Chair: President Patricia Aho
Vice President: Patti Cowin
Treasurer: Sam Besase

The Administrative / Personnel (A/P) Committee is composed of the RWA President, 1st Vice President, and Treasure. The Committee meets on an as needed basis.

The A/P Committee conducts performance reviews of the Association Manager, makes recommendations regarding the salary guidelines and the employee manual.

Compliance Committee

Chairperson: Barbara Peszko
Email: [email protected]
Committee Members: Cynthia Johnson, Robert Bondeson, Walter Taylor, Bruce Lima, Jim Long, George Krabbe, Henry MacConel and Les Goodman.
Meeting Time: 1st Thursday of the month at 2 pm

This is a mandated committee under Florida State Statutes. It provides a review process for a fine or suspension relating to the violation of a Rotonda West covenant. Committee members are fellow owners who are not officers, directors, or employees of the association, nor related to them or the violator. If the party being fined desires a hearing, they may do so before the effective date of the fine. The Committee listens to both the violator’s and the RWA management’s concerns. Committee hearings are open to association members, but Florida State Statutes do not allow audience participation.

Budget and Finance Committee

Chairperson: Wayne Legris​
Email: [email protected]
Committee Members: Wayne Legris (Chairperson), Sam Besase (BOD Liaison), Gwen Grace, RoseAnne Woodliff, Tom D’Abrosca
Meeting Time: 3rd Tuesday of each month – 2:00 PM.

Election Committee

Chairperson: Patricia Aho
Email: [email protected]
Staff Liaison: Derrick Hedges
Committee Members: Karen Harvey (Secretary), Cheryl Lateer, Maureen McDowell, John Stem,​ and RoseAnne Woodliff.
Meeting Time: Is specific to the election schedule. Please check the RWA website calendar.

The Committee is responsible for conducting the annual election of directors to the RWA Board. The Committee reviews and updates as necessary the Election Guidelines (see below) which are used to oversee the annual election process. The Committee hosts an annual Candidates’ Night in October and oversees, along with the RWA accountant, the counting of votes cast at the annual meeting. The votes are tabulated by the RWA accountant, then certified and announced at the annual meeting in December.

Activities Committee

Chairperson: Deb Orchard
Email: [email protected]
Committee Members: Gwen Grace (Vice Chair) Patti Cowin (BOD Liason), Joe Harris (Staff Liaison), Karen Harvey, Susan Superak, and Nick Gizzi.
Meeting Time: 1st Wednesday of every month at 9:00 am

The Activities Committee is involved in the social life of the Rotonda West Association. Members of this committee plan, organize, and carry out many community events such as the holiday parade, the volunteer appreciation dinner, Bingo, and several other special events. This committee also reviews and recommends the usage of the community center.

Buildings and Ground Committee

Chair: Sam Besase
Email: [email protected]
Committee Members: Hank Killion, John Peszko, Jerry Eldred, Dominique Sauvage, Ellen Cassanos, and Cheryl Lateer.
Meeting Time: 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1:00 PM.

The Committee assists with investigating and recommending the purchase, maintenance, and beautification issues with RWA property. It reviews plant health and maintenance of landscaped area, monitors the mowing, and proposes new ways to enhance the beauty, look and feel of our community.

Deed Restrictions Committee

Chairperson: Les Goodman
Email: [email protected]
Committee Members: Barry Kean, Patricia Aho (Board Liaison), Loni Kiedrowsk, Brian Armen, and Harley Effertz
Meeting Time: 4th Wednesday of the month at 9:00 AM

The goals and objectives of the Committee are to review issues relating to the current restrictions including improving compliance, determine whether changes need to be made to the restrictions and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Residential Modification Committee

Chairperson Barbara Peszko Email: [email protected]
Members: David Kelly (BOD Liason), Bob Bondeson, George Hutton, Loni Kiedrowski, David Kelly and Les Goodman.
Meeting Time: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 9:00 am.

The RMC reviews and approves additions or modifications to existing homes or structures under a set of guidelines. Modification examples include putting up fences, adding boat docks, repainting the home, or adding a new roof to name a few. The Committee is established by the deed restrictions.

Committee approval is gained through an application process based on the standards set forth in the Guidelines. The RMC has published these Guidelines and necessary application forms for this process. Printed copies may be obtained from the RWA office. Property owners who start or complete any exterior modification without a completed and approved application will be assessed a $50 late application fee.

RMC Information

The RMC is comprised of at least 3 members named by the RWA. One RMC member must also be a member of the Deed Restriction Committee.
1. You must submit an RMC application if you repair, change, or add or makes improvements to the outside of your home. There is no charge for this application.
2. Applications are at the RWA Administration building or online (see below)
3. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to apply for any application. Not the contractor.
4. RMC Guidelines are linked below, and the Deed Restrictions may be found here.
5. All application must be submitted to the RWA Administration before 12:00 the Friday before RMC meeting.
6. Call or stop in at the RWA Administration building and see Tammy Birdsong who will be more than happy to assist you and answer your questions.
7. If homeowner fails to apply and receive a permit any work that is performed, the homeowner will be assessed a failure to submit fine.

Aquatics Committee

Chairperson: Stan Plizga
Email: [email protected]
Committee Members: Stan Plizga (Chair), Jerry Eldred (BOD Liason), Hank Killion, Nick Gizzi, John House, Wayne Mengel, and Bob Winter,
Meeting Time: 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10 am

The Aquatics Committee is responsible for the waters in our canals and the lakes within Broadmoor Park. Working with our regulatory agencies, RWA manager, and expert advisors, the committee defines a process to measure water quality, control invasive plants, select plants to control erosion, improve water quality, and provide an ecosystem to provide a sustainable habitat and food source for our wildlife. The Rotonda River is within our canal system and is part of the Lemon Bay watershed and must remain functional as a storm water control system. Any work the committee does on the river has to comply with our regulatory agencies.

Volunteers are welcome and needed to actively work under the guidance of the following sub- committees: Ecosystem Education & Publicity; Aquatic & Marine Habitat; Canal Infrastructure & Stormwater Outflow; Street/Swale Drainage; and Canal Trash Prevention/Clean-up. Residents interested in volunteering their time/talent are urged to contact the committee chairperson.

Communications Committee

Chairperson: Karen W. Harvey
Email: [email protected]
Meeting Time: 1st Wednesday of the month at 10:30 am
Committee Members:
Chair: Karen W. Harvey
Vice Chair: Barry Kean, Dave Pulaski, Connie Smith
Editor: Nadine Clough
BOD Liaison: Diane Shaw

The Committee works to improve communications between RWA and our members. It works to publish West Ways newsletter, What’s Happening, provide an email alert service and assist in updating the RWA website.

Wildlife Committee

Chairperson: Cari Hale
Meeting Time: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 12:00 PM
Email: [email protected]
Members: Patti Cowin (B.O.D. Liaison), Joan Gotthardt, Lynda Chamowitz, Belinda Olsen, Don Olsen, James Peterfesco, Kip Stadnicki, Ann Stadnicki, Cindy Chatham, and Jackie Baker

The Committee works to advise and assist the Directors and Manager in overseeing the well-being and protection of all forms of wildlife native to the Rotonda West community. In addition, the Wildlife Committee shall work to educate the members of the Community regarding the laws and methods of protecting the wildlife through the development and distribution of educational material and the sponsorship of educational presentations. The Committee is also authorized to enter undeveloped lots to inspect for protected wildlife and, as appropriate, the placement of markers.

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