About Your Property
Property Information from Charlotte County Property Appraiser
Charlotte County offers extensive online information about your property. Below please find instructions for accessing your property records and property map. At the bottom of this page you will find the contact e-mail addresses if you have questions regarding your particular records.
This page will instruct you how to:
- Search for Real Property records on the County of Charlotte Property Appraiser Tax Collector website
- Find a property map using the Charlotte County Geographical Information System (GIS) website
Visit the Charlotte County Property Appraiser’s Website to begin your search: https://www.ccappraiser.com
Use the search form to search for your property. You can search by street address, or you can use your Property ID Number found on your tax bill. Find your name and click on the corresponding Parcel ID/Account Number.
Depending on the type of property you own, you may see the following information:
- General Parcel Information
- Ownership Information
- Sales Information
- Current Preliminary Summary>
- Current Certified Tax Poll Values
- Amount of Taxes if paid by
- Tax Information
- Building Information
- Building Appendage Information
- Building Construction Information
- Land Improvement Information
- Legal Description
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the procedure for getting space in the Rotonda RV Parking Lot?
To reserve space in the Rotonda RV Parking lot, please contact:
John and Barbara Peszko at 941-697-7592 / joba9595@comcast.net
How much is the yearly assessment and when is it due?
The mandatory yearly assessment for Rotonda West Association, Inc. is $190.00 per lot for the year 2021. All lot owners will receive a statement by December 31st. All payments must be received by February 15th. All payments are due upon receipt. Payments postmarked after February 15th will be charged a late fee of $25.00.
Can I pay my yearly assessment using a credit card?
Rotonda West Association, Inc. accepts Visa, Mastercard, AM Express and Discover. A surcharge of $25.00 will be applied to fees returned “unpaid” or charged back by a financial institution.
Return in person or by mail the completed credit card form along with the top of your statement to the RWA office at 646 Rotonda Circle, Rotonda West, Florida 33947. Or you can fax to the RWA office. (941) 697-0788.
Click here to pay online.
Click here for the printable Credit Card Form you’ll need to fill out and mail in.
How do I let the RWA office know that my mailing address has changed?
Please click here for the RWA change of address form.
Return in person or by mail the completed change of address form to the RWA office at 646 Rotonda Circle, Rotonda West, Florida 33947 – or you can fax it to the RWA office. (941) 697-0788
If you notify us by e-mail, please be sure to include all the information found in the form.
E-mail to: joe@rotondawest.org
I’ve just moved to Rotonda West and don’t know where my polling location is?
Please click here and you will be taken to the Charlotte County Supervisor of Elections website. This website has specific information such as Charlotte County precincts, polling locations, absentee voting, and contact information.
When is the trash picked up in Rotonda West
Garbage, Recyclables, & Yard Waste are collected once a week on Tuesday. Place all items curbside before 5 AM the day of collection. Helpful hint: A few moth balls in your trash bag will keep the birds and critters from tearing them open.
Automated Garbage Collection Brochure
Curbside Recycling Program Guide
For more specific information, visit the Municipal Solid Waste Management Division – Environmental Services website. This website contains information about landfills, Recycling Program, free mulch, household hazardous waste, West Charlotte Mini-Transfer & Recycling Facility, as well as contacts
Why Does The RWA Mow Vacant Lots?
Perhaps 25 or more years ago, the BOD at that time decided that simply relying on vacant lot owners to mow their properties was not accomplishing much, instead that BOD decided (believe it was during Fred Warner’s presidency term) that if the RWA mowed vacant lots to keep the wild overgrowth down, this would make RWA vacant lots more desirable and at the same time would INCREASE RWA property values. The emphasis was on keeping the overgrowth down and enhancing property values.
This concept is working because it is important to note that vacant lots are considerably more expensive in RWA than adjoining areas such as Rotonda Heights or Rotonda Lakes or Englewood East or Gardens of Gulf Cove or Gulf Cove. (approximately $30,000 vs $7,000 in 2020).
It is also important to note that existing homes are considerably more expensive in RWA than adjoining areas such as Rotonda Heights or Rotonda Lakes or Englewood East or Gardens of Gulf Cove or Gulf Cove. (approximately $260,000 vs $185,000 in 2020)
- How much does it cost to mow? Mowing (including vacant lots) makes up approximately 1/8th of the RWA yearly budget. ($25) Approximately 1,600 to 2,000 vacant lots are mowed by the RWA.
- There are approximately 2,400 vacant lots of which, some are mowed by the adjoining property owners (perhaps 400). In addition, there are approximately 80 “new builds” on vacant lots yearly. Also, approximately 600-800 lots are used as a “buffer/privacy” by property owners. 2400-800 = 1600
- The math might suggest that “build out” might occur in perhaps 18-20 years at the current build rate of about 80 per year. (2021 thru 2039/2041) 1,600 vacant lots divided by 80 new builds per year = 20 years.
- Mowing vacant lots is different than mowing your property. The RWA mows vacant lots approximately 6 cycles per year to keep the overgrowth down; whereas, home owners have their lawns mowed approximately weekly.
- Mowing vacant lots is done on a cycle basis–Mowing usually starts in the Oakland Hills section, then counter-clockwise thru the remaining 6 sections–approximately every 6-9 weeks vs mowing lawn is done on a weekly basis.
- Property owners (especially new owners) often ask WHY should we pay to have vacant lots mowed? Why not charge the property owner? Perhaps a REFERENDUM question in 2021 ballot mailing in October? (with appropriate background info covering both sides of the issue)
- Why doesn’t the RWA mow the vacant lots more often? Mowing vacant lots more frequently than 6 times per year would require more budget for more equipment, more manpower, more storage space, higher assessments.
- (1 more large tractor/mower ($100K); 2 more maintenance workers ($50K); add on to maintenance building ($40K) to store the additional tractor/mower, more fuel, more spare parts, more insurance($10K)(=~$25 increase in assessments.)($200K divided by 8000 = $25)
It is important to note that my particular property value increased by roughly $50,000 (15%-20%) from July 2020 to December 2020 based on TRULIA/ZILLOW/REALTOR websites. A check of your property value should show the same.
The invasive and non-native Brazilian Pepper Trees (BPT) are causing many environmental problems in the native ecosystems here in Florida. The BPT plant tops the MOST HATED PLANT list. Florida state parks and Florida state park managers agree that the BPT plant is definitely damaging to the overall ecosystem here in Florida and all Florida state park managers are working very hard to eradicate the BPT from their state managed areas. Many state park managers use controlled fire burns to clear entire large areas of BPT and then let the natural native plant growth occur after the controlled fire burn.
The BPT was introduced into Florida in the late 1800s mostly as an ornamental plant by the horticulture industry.
The problems caused by the BPT to the environment are that it invades hammocks, pinelands, and mangrove areas and OUTCOMPETES these native plants. The BPT is an extremely AGGRESSIVE invader which proves very difficult and expensive to eradicate. The state of Florida spends millions of dollars every year in an attempt to eradicate the BPT.
The BPT seeds are widely spread in the excrement of birds and animals. The BPT produces a prolific crop of fruit which many birds and animals consume then spread wherever the fly or roam. The fruit of the BPT is hallucinogenic and causes issues with birds and animal nervous systems.
The BPT belongs to the same family of plants as POISON IVY, POISON OAK, POISON SUMAC, thus can cause extreme skin irritation to humans and birds and wildlife. People sensitive to poison ivy, oak or sumac may also be allergic to BPT and BPT has also caused respiratory problems.
The hated BPT can also invade aquatics such as ponds and lakes. Residents are warned not to plant this tree. Many birds, butterflies and other wildlife animals are dependent on NATIVE plant areas for their very survival. The BPT plant is wiping out these native areas and causing severe ENVIRONMENTAL harm.
Due to its highly invasive nature, the BPT has been placed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection under section 62C-52.011 as a Class I “Prohibited Plant”.
The Brazilian Pepper Tree produces a dense canopy which shades (chokes) out all other native plants.
The entire BPT plant – particularly the root system – must be removed when utilizing aggressive mechanical equipment for removal. Many Florida state land managers also utilize controlled fire burns in order to eradicate the BPT.
The RWA has been systematically eradicating the INVASIVE – NON-NATIVE BRAZILIAN PEPPER TREES in Broadmoor Park since 2015, each year clearing a portion of the 168 acres as our budget permits.
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