Mission Statement

The role of Rotonda West Association, Inc. is multifaceted: To protect the proprty interests of its members; to enhance living in the community; and, to plan for the futire in its role as a community association.

Overview of the Association

The Rotonda West Association, Inc. (RWA) is a not-for-profit Florida membership corporation and is operated exclusively for the promotion of the common good and general welfare of the people of the Rotonda West community. It is incorporated under the Florida Not for Profit Corporation Act as stated in the Articles of Incorporation. The RWA is also governed by Florida State Laws Chapter 720 and Chapter 617, as well as local Governing Documents.

The RWA provides an organizational framework for cohesive community efforts by and for its membership and provides for the necessary operation, administration and government of Rotonda West as a community.

The RWA is responsible for community services, general maintenance, care and upkeep of the community’s infrastructure, including, buildings, facilities and other properties. The RWA also promotes and in some cases sponsors cultural, esthetic, recreational and general programs and services for the members.

The RWA Board of Directors is generally responsible for maintaining and improving the community in the best interests of its members. The Board interprets, applies, administers and enforces the governing documents affecting the community.

The Board may be assisted in these efforts by the establishment of standing/statutory and advisory committees. The RWA collects appropriate assessments, charges in the form of fines, deposits and fees for services rendered. These moneys are used to finance the activities of the association.

Board of Directors

The Rotonda West Association is governed by a Board of Directors. The Directors are elected to the Board by the lot owners in Rotonda West. More specific information, such as number and term, vacancy and replacement, removal, and powers can be found in the By-laws, Article II – Directors.

Board of Directors meetings are held at 2:00 P.M. on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at the Rotonda West community center and are open to the public.

A notice for every meeting must be posted a minimum of two days in advance in the community center. If you want to receive e-mail notification of Board meetings, submit request or contact RWA Manager at 941-697-6788.

Board of Directors – 2021

The role of Rotonda West Association, Inc. is multifaceted: To protect the proprty interests of its members; to enhance living in the community; and, to plan for the futire in its role as a community association.

Patricia Aho, President*, Dec. 2022

Stephen Froggatt,  Dec. 2021

Sam Besase, Treasurer*, Dec. 2021

Patti Cowin, 1st Vice President*, Dec. 2023

Jerry Eldred, Secretary, Dec. 2022

David Kelly, Director, Dec. 2023

Diane Shaw, Director, Jan. 2022

The Officers of the RWA Board are selected in mid-December of every year by the Directors following the election of those Directors.

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